Prime minister and minister of Finance
President of Republic appoints members of new government
ALGIERS- President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune has appointed Wednesday the members of the new government led by Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane, the Presidency of the Republic announced in a communiqué.
Here is the list announced by the interim spokesman of the Presidency of the Republic Samir Aggoune :
- Aïmene Benabderrahmane: Prime minister and minister of Finance
- Ramtane Lamamra: minister of Foriegn Affairs and National Community Abroad
- Kamal Beldjoud: minister of Interior, Local Authorities and National Planning
- Abderrachid Tebbi: minister of Justice
- Ben Attou Ziane: minister of Energy Transition and Renewable Energy
- Laïd Rebigua: minister of Mujahedeen and Right-Holders
- Youcef Belmehdi: minister of Religious Affairs and Wakfs
- Abdelhakim Belabed: minister of National Education
- Abdelbaki Benziane: minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- Yacine Merabi: minister of Vocational Training and Education
- Wafa Chaalal: minister of Culture and Arts
- Abderezak Sebgag: minister of Youth and Sports
- Hocine Charhabil: minister of Digitization and Statistics
- Karim Bibi Triki: minister of Post and Telecommunications
- Kaouthar Krikou: minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Issues
- Ahmed Zeghdar: minister of Industry
- Abdlehamid Hamdani: minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Mohamed Tarek Belaribi: minister of Housing, Urban Planning and the City
- Kamel Rezig: minister of Trade and Export Promotion
- Ammar Belhimer: minister of Communication
- Kamel Nasri: minister of Public Works
- Aïssa Bekkaï: minister of Transport
- Karim Hasni: minister of Water Resources and Water Security
- Yacine Hammadi: minister of Tourism and Craft Industry
- Abderrahmane Benbouzid: minister of Health
- Abderrahmane Lahfaya: minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security
- Basma Azouar: minister of Relations with Parliament
- Samia Moualfi: minister of Environment
- Hicham Sofiane Salawatchi: minister of Fisheries and Fish Production
- Abderrahmane Lotfi Djamel Benbahmed: minister of Pharmaceutical Industry
- Nassim Dhiafat: deputy minister for micro-entreprises
- Yacine El-Mahdi Walid: deputy minister for Economy of Knowledge and Startups
- Yahia Boukhari: Secretary General of the Government.