À propos de Ambassade Algerie

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The Algerian delegation participation in the 99th Session of the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, hold in The Hague from 08th -10th March 2022.

شارك الوفد الجزائري في أشغال الدورة التاسعة و التسعون [...]

The Algerian delegation participation in the 99th Session of the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, hold in The Hague from 08th -10th March 2022.2022-03-11T09:30:36+01:00

Algeria elected by the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to vice-chair position within the Open-Ended Working Group for the preparation of the 5th Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical weapons

في 09 مارس 2022، انتخبت الجزائر من قبل المجلس [...]

Algeria elected by the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to vice-chair position within the Open-Ended Working Group for the preparation of the 5th Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical weapons2022-03-11T09:24:25+01:00

The 157th Session of the League of Arab States Council at ministerial level, held in Cairo on march 9th ,2022, has appointed Algerian Ambassador Mohand Salah LADJOUZI as Deputy Secretary General of the League.

عين الدبلوماسي الجزائري محند صالح لعجوزي،  الأربعاء 09 مارس2022 [...]

The 157th Session of the League of Arab States Council at ministerial level, held in Cairo on march 9th ,2022, has appointed Algerian Ambassador Mohand Salah LADJOUZI as Deputy Secretary General of the League.2022-03-14T09:10:56+01:00

The League of Arab States has adopted President TEBBOUNE’s decision to hold the upcoming Arab Summit in Algiers, on the highly symbolic November 1st and 2nd, 2022, which will fall on 68th anniversary of the outbreak of the Algerian Revolution.

تبنّى اليوم وزراء الخارجية العرب المجتمعون بالقاهرة في إطار [...]

The League of Arab States has adopted President TEBBOUNE’s decision to hold the upcoming Arab Summit in Algiers, on the highly symbolic November 1st and 2nd, 2022, which will fall on 68th anniversary of the outbreak of the Algerian Revolution.2022-03-10T10:06:07+01:00

Key points of Mr the President’s address, on the occasion of International Women’s Day .

أثبتَتْ الجزائريات في كُلِّ الـمراحِلِ، وفي أَصْعَبِ الأوْقَــــاتِ، تَعَلُّقَها [...]

Key points of Mr the President’s address, on the occasion of International Women’s Day .2022-03-09T10:33:17+01:00
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