Investing in Algeria2022-02-14T15:47:22+01:00

Geostrategic position allowing proximity to the European, African and Arab markets. 7 border markets (Tunisia – Libya – Niger – Mali – Morocco – Western Sahara – Mauritania) plus the Mediterranean sea on the North

مشاركة السيدة السفيرة في جلسة المرافعة التي قدمتها دولة فلسطين امام محكمة العدل الدولية

Par |19 février 2024|Catégories : Activities, Alerte info, En-News|

حضور السيدة سفيرة الجزائر لجلسة محكمة العدل الدولية المتعلقة بالنطق بالحكم بخصوص الإجراءات الاحترازية التي طلبتها جنوب افريقيا في اطار عرضيتها ضد الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في قطاع غزة

Par |26 janvier 2024|Catégories : Activities, Alerte info, En-News|

Investing in Algeria

1- Attractive investment opportunities

  • $ 51.1 billion of imports in 2015 ( first 9 months)
  • $ 262 billion of public investment for the time span 2015-2019

2- Rich in Natural Resources

3- Economic stability

GDP real growth rate 3.9% in 2015
GDP per/Capita $5.460,1 IN 2014
External Debt $3,6 billion in 2015 compared to $30 billion in 2001
Foreign currency reserves $185.27 billion in 2013

4- Ambitious policies of development and sectors’ strategies

  • The new industrial revival policy highlighting 12 strategic sectors, namely the steel and metalworking, hydraulic binders, electrical and household appliances, industrial chemistry, mechanics and automotive, pharmaceutical production, aerospace, construction and ship repair, advanced technology, food processing, textiles and clothing, leather and timber products, wood and furniture industry as well as outsourcing.
  • The Master Plan for Tourism Development.
  • Agricultural and Rural Renewal Program.
  • Renewable Energy Program (solar, thermal and wind) to produce 22 000MW by 2030.
  • Development Plan of Fisheries and Aquaculture Activities by 2025.

5- Access to regional markets

Geostrategic position allowing proximity to the European, African and Arab markets. 7 border markets (Tunisia – Libya – Niger – Mali – Morocco – Western Sahara – Mauritania) plus the Mediterranean sea on the North

6- Modern Transportation Infrastructure

7- Qualified, young and competitive labor force

  • 5.5% of GDP devoted to education
  • 6.24% of the state operating budget goes to higher education
  • 86% literacy rate
  • 96% of school enrollment
  • 1.5 million students, including 35,000 registered in doctoral training and 90,000 in technical areas.
  • 2, 500, 000 graduates since 1962,
  • 643,700 enrolled in vocational education with an average of 200,000 graduating every year

8- Competitive production factors costs

  • Energy: Natural gas: 0.21 to 0.40 Euros / therm
  • Electricity: 1 to 4 euro cents / kWh on average
  • Gasoline Premium 0.20 Euros / L Gas Oil 0.16 Euros / L
  • Monthly Salary: minimum wage is 180 Euros

9- Incentives for investment

Important tax incentives, up to 10 years of exemption, depending on the location and size of the project. And other additional benefits:

  • Partial or total reimbursement of expenses related to infrastructure works within the framework of derogatory scheme
  • Reduction in employers’ contribution to social security for the recruitment of young job seekers
  • The concession of land by mutual agreement, over periods of 33 years renewable and giving rise to the same property rights arising from sales
  • Discounts on the price of the rental fee on the land and property acquired within the framework of the realization of the investment
  • Tax exemptions throughout the life of the project for exporting projects.
  • Temporary Exemption for 5 years of companies benefits tax (IBS), Global Income tax(IRG) and Tax on the Turnover and 3% bonus of the interest rate on bank loans granted to investments in certain activities within the sectors of steel and metal industries, the hydraulic binders and Electrical Appliances, Industrial chemistry, mechanics and automotive pharmaceuticals, aerospace, shipbuilding and repair, advanced technology, food processing, textiles and clothing, leather and derivatives, wood and furniture industry.
  • Exemption from VAT, customs duties, taxes having equivalent effect or any other charge for the equipment needed for investment by industrial companies in the field of research and development.
  • Reduction of 50%, companies benefits tax (IBS) or Global Income tax(IRG),in common law for individuals and legal entities, activating and fiscally domiciled in the wilayas (provinces)of Illizi, Tindouf, Tamanrasset and Adrar, for a period of 05 years from January 1, 2015.
  • Support by the Public Treasury Administration of the bank interest for investments made by industrial companies for the acquisition of technology and mastery to enhance the industrial integration rate of their products and competitiveness.
  • Extension until December 31, 2019 of the application of reduced rate of customs duty on acquisitions of equipment and furnishings not produced locally by hotel standards and within the scope of modernization and upgrading under the “Quality Plan Tourism Algeria” -The list of equipment and furnishings concerned is determined by the inter-ministerial order of March 2, 2014.
  • Reduction of charges of contribution to social security (recruitment of young jobseekers)
  • North: 56%to 80%
  • Highlands and South: 72% to 90%

10- Opportunities for financing through public banks

  • Interest rate : 3.5%
  • Bonus of 2% and up to 4.5% (in tourism projects in the South)
  • A network of banks and financial institutions, including 14 private ones
  • Availability of leasing companies
  • Availability of investment funds
  • 05 Investment Funds covering the whole territory with up to 49% participation in the capital of SMEs
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